terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2009

terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

Para os interessados...

Organic Medicinal Cannabis - Sativa v Indica
An article within the website www.medicalmarihuana.ca highlights the major differences between the varieties of cannabis as follows:

"There are various strains of Cannabis which have different effects. Two common strains of medical marijuana are Indica and Sativa.

Generally the Indica strain is a relaxant beneficial for Multiple Sclerosis, anxiety, muscle spasms, tremors, spasticity and mobility issues, sleep disorders and pain management.

Sativa is more of a stimulant, widely used and effective in appetite stimulation, relieving depression, migraines, pain and nausea. Sativa is commonly used by HIV/AIDS and cancer patients. There are a lot of hybrid crosses, nuances and personal preferences"

According to 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia' (http://en.wikipedia.org/)
the nature and intensity of the immediate effects of cannabis consumption vary according to the dose, the species or hybridization of the source plant, the method of consumption, the user's mental and physical characteristics (such as possible tolerance), and the environment of consumption.

This is sometimes referred to as set and setting. Smoking the same marijuana either in a different frame of mind (set) or in a different location (setting) can alter the effects or perception of the effects by the individual.

Effects of cannabis consumption may be loosely classified as cognitive and physical. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the Cannabis sativa species tends to produce more of the cognitive or perceptual effects, while Cannabis indica tends to produce more of the physical effects.

Cognitive, behavioral, or perceptual

Cannabis has a broad spectrum of possible cognitive, behavioral, or perceptual effects, the occurrence of which vary from user to user. Some of these are the intended effect desired by users, some may be considered desirable depending on the situation, and others are generally considered undesirable. Users of cannabis report that these kinds of effects are more often produced by the sativa species of Cannabis.

Physical or sensory

Cannabis also has effects that are predominantly physical or sensory, widely believed to be more common with the indica species.

List of effects

* Anti-emetic properties
* Modulation of working and short-term memory
* Impairment of short-term memory
* Enhancement of many other drug effects (including those of alcohol, ecstasy, tobacco, heroin, cocaine, but does not increase effects of stronger hallucinogens)
* Auditory or visual hallucinations at high doses in some users
* Paramnesia, repetitiveness and ambiguation
* Increased appetite (often referred to as "the munchies"), an effect of stimulation of the endocannabinoid system, which affects body weight, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia.
* Increased sexual pleasure
* Increased awareness of sensation
* Increased awareness of patterns and colors
* Increased appreciation of music
* Increased mental activity, like metacognition
* Induced sense of novelty
* Initial wakefulness followed by drowsiness and lassitude ('burnt out')
* Introspective or meditative states of mind
* Gain or loss of some inhibitions
* Mild euphoria, feelings of general well-being
* Relaxation or stress reduction
* Mild tachycardia (Increased heart rate)
* Mild, temporary dry mouth (sometimes referred to as cottonmouth, pasties, or the drys (NZ))
* Mild, temporary keratoconjunctivitis sicca (sometimes referred to as blood-shot eyes, dry eyes or red eye(UK))
* Mild paranoia and anxiety

List of therapeutic effects

* Pain relief (especially headaches, cramps, and eye pain due to lowered intraocular pressure).
* Increased appetite, food subjectively tastes better.
* Reduced nausea, (especially from chemotherapy), though may cause or exacerbate nausea for some.
* Dilation of alveoli (air sacs) in lungs, resulting in deeper respiration.
* Increase in productive coughs
* Dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation), resulting in:
o Increased blood flow and heart rate
o Reddening of the conjunctivae (red eye)
* Lower intra-ocular pressure (beneficial to glaucoma patients).
* Lower blood pressure while standing. Higher blood pressure while sitting (note that this can lead to instances of orthostatic hypotension a.k.a. head rush).
* Induces drowsiness (beneficial to sufferers of insomnia and sleep deprivation).
* Relaxation
* Reduced stress
* Mild entheogenesis (e.g. per Rastafarian users, more "Jah-Vibrations")

(see Links - Natural Health, Herbal Therapy / Medicinal Cannabis Links)

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

E vós, onde praticais o acto de urinar?

Há quem considere o acto repulsivo, uns pratico, outros erótico, mas o acto de urinar tem muito que se lhe diga. E hoje em dia como tudo o que fazemos tem de ser ecológico, mais uma sugestão para ajudar o ambiente...
